Every Mom is an #OlympicMom

Are you an Olympic Mom?

An Olympic Mom is one who tries to do her best for her family in many aspects: nutrition, activity, fun, learning and MORE! In that regard, every mom is an #OlympicMom!

This campaign is the brainchild of Dr. Lynne Kenney, my co-author of Bloom.  Dr. Kenney has assembled an impressive list of experts to work together to create meaningful posts, loaded with information to help you and your families.  I'm so lucky to have been included.

Our Game Plan

International food and family experts join together to bring you daily meal plans, recipes, activities and exercises for 14 days inspiring a total transformation during the Olympics. Join us each day as we create a 14 day online gathering of motivated moms (and dads) who want to eat better, exercise more and enjoy meaningful moments with family during the Olympics #OlympicMoms #OM. It's fun and it's free.

Follow us along here, and you can also follow the hashtag #OlympicMoms and #OM on twitter.  Find #OlympicMoms on Pinterest, too!

We hope you'll join in the fun! It's a wintry all-skate, in fact.  If you find great information that other moms will enjoy, simply add the hashtag #OlymicMoms or #OM.  Dads, we haven't forgotten you.  You may also hashtag #OlympicDads.  This is going to be great! 

Thanks to Dr. Lynne Kenney and Owls and Fireflies Designs by Teresa for the graphics.


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